[Local Body] Kerala Voters List with Photo 2020 Download| Voter ID Card Download| List Search

New Kerala Voter List 2020: Kerala Local Body Elections is near and voters list with photo 2020 is what people are looking for. As we all know Kerala Local Body elections were going to held in October 20202 but due to COVID-19 the date of the elections is delayed and now they are being held … Read more

[KSFE]Kerala Chitty Scheme 2020: Micro Chitty Laptop Scheme for Students| Apply Online| Registration

chitty laptop scheme

Kerala state government has launched the Chitty scheme, under this chitty laptop scheme, cheap laptops will be provided for the students to buy. This micro chitty scheme is launched with the aim every student can get online studies from home through their laptops.  As we all know due to the COVID-19 lockdown students are not … Read more