These days there is news running widely regarding Rashtriya Shikshit Berojgar Yojana, which states Rs. 30000 will be given to all the ration cardholders in the country. Many People are looking for registration online for this berojgar yojana money giving scheme.
But the truth is there is no such scheme launched by the government of India. This one is the fake scheme launched by a website named as We have discussed the detailed information below.
Rashtriya Shikshit Berojgar Yojna 2020
During this pandemic COVOID-19 situation, the whole country and world are having a tough time dealing with this. But during these days much fake news is also spreading on the various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, etc.
Many people think this news is true as they do not check it properly and get scammed by the fraud people. Similarly, news stating that the central government of India has launched a scheme which will provide Rs.50000 under “Rashtriya Shikshit Berojgar Yojana”.
This website Claims that Govt has started a scheme named Rashtriya Sikshit Berojgar Scheme to provide a relief package of Rs 50000 to all ration cardholders in the country.
But the reality is there is no such scheme that has been launched by the Government of India. So it advised beware of such fake and fraudulent websites that collect your personal info/fees.
Claim: Govt has started a scheme named Rashtriya Sikshit Berojgar Yojana to provide relief package of Rs 50000 to all ration card holders#PIBFactCheck: No such scheme has been launched by Govt of India. Beware of such fake and fraudulent sites collecting your personal info/fees
— PIB Fact Check (@PIBFactCheck) May 2, 2020
Website Claim
The website named, “”, is being shared with the claim that the Government of India will provide financial help of Rs 50,000 to ration cardholders. And many people thought this one is a true scheme as pandemic lockdown is going on.
As per the fake website, Central Government announced a relief package of Rs 1.70 lakh crore for the poor people welfare to tackle money problems that occurred due to the Covid-19.
This welfare relief package will focus mainly on migrant laborers and daily wage laborers.
इस फेक वेबसाइट पर लोगों online register करने के लिए कहा गया है। अगर आप इस वेबसाइट को आप खोलेंगे तो आपको online apply का ऑप्शन नजर आएगा।
The fake website is deactivated now. The Facebook page too has been taken down.
अप्पको यहाँ अपना नाम, पिता का नाम, इ-मेल , जन्म तिथि, आधार कार्ड नंबर, मोबाइल नंबर, पता, बैंक अकाउंट नंबर, आईएफएससी कोड, बैंक का नाम, और क्वॉलिफिकेशन भरने के साथ आपकी फोटो अपलोड करने के लिए कहा जाएगा।
आपके सिग्नेचर वाली फोटो अपलोड करने के लिए भी कहा गया है।
Fact Check
When the government got this information and took the action then they clearly said that there is no such scheme is going or launched by the Indian government.
Similar Government Website
There is a similarly named government website i.e: But, this is an official government website for providing health insurance to poor people.
And this scheme is called ‘Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna’ (RSBY). RSBY is a government-approved health insurance program for the poor.
Under this scheme, the government provides health insurance coverage to the unrecognized sector workers belonging to the BPL category & their family members.
There is no such scheme launched by the government of India. The news is spread on social media platforms and it is fake.
Always beware of this kind of social news.
आप सभी लोग इस तरह की फेक वेबसाइट से सावधान रहें और किसी बहकावे में आकर अपनी पर्सनल डिटेल्स ना शेयर करें। कोई भी आपकी पर्सनल डिटेल्स का गलत इस्तेमाल कर सकता है।
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