In Himachal Pradesh Indira Gandhi Pyari Behna Sukh Samman Nidhi Yojana for women Rs.1500 is launched by CM Sukhvinder Singh and women from the age above 18years to 80years can fill the application form. This scheme is mentioned in the congress election manifesto and all people were waiting for it.
Himachal Pradesh women Rs.1500 monthly scheme application form in pdf can be downloaded from this website and the link is shared below in this article.
Pyari Behna Sukh Samman Nidhi Yojana 2024
HP Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukkhu has launched Indira Gandhi Pyari Behna Sukh Samman Nidhi Yojana for the welfare of women in Himachal Pradesh.
Under this scheme women from 18years to 80years will get monthly Rs.1500 in their bank accounts. The eligibility criteria for this scheme online application form process is shared below.
हिमाचल सरकार की बड़ी घोषणा
'इंदिरा गॉधी प्यारी बहना सुख सम्मान निधि योजना' की शुरुआत #HimachalPradesh #SukhvinderSinghSukhu #WomenPensionScheme #newsindia @SukhuSukhvinder @PIBShimla @SevadalHP @poojaaggarwal91
— News India (@newsindia24x7_) March 4, 2024
The opposition was regularly teasing the ruling congress government for mentioning false promises in their election manifesto. But CM Sukkhu has launched and it silenced all the opposition party members.
अगर हम साल के हिसाब से सोचें तो हर साल एक महिला को 18000 रूपए सर्कार द्वारा इस योजना के तहत दिए जायेंगे। इससे महिला थोड़ा तो आत्मनिर्भर बनेगी और इस पर सरकार कुल सालाना 800 करोड़ रूपए खर्च करेगी।
All the ladies are now happy and now looking to fill the application form of sukh samman nidhi yojana, so that they can get the benefit sooner.
Indira Gandhi Pyari Behna Sukh Samman Nidhi Yojana Application Form Pdf Download
Department of Social Justice and Empowerment has now launched the official application form in pdf so that people can download it and then fill it.
The online application form have all the related information on what to fill and what are the documents required.
लोग जो सुख सम्मान निधि एप्लीकेशन फॉर्म को डाउनलोड करना चाहते हैं वो यहाँ से डाउनलोड करें.
Download in PDF sukh samman nidhi yojana application form.
- After the downloading the pdf take the print out and fill it correctly and attach the documents required.
- All the blanks must be filled correctly otherwise any fault may lead to failure of your application.
एप्लीकेशन फॉर्म बाकी सभी मांगे हुए डाक्यूमेंट्स के साथ तहसीलदार दफ्तर में जमा करवाना होगा।
Documents required
In the application form list of the document to be attached when you submit your application form is shared in the last page. The photocopies of all the documents shared below is required.
- Aadhar Card
- Ration Card
- Bonafide Certificate
- Bank Account Number
- Age Certificate
A passport size photograph to be applied on the Indira Gandhi Pyari behna yojana application form.
Once the application form is filled you have to submit it to the tehsildar and he will process further into the department.
Currently there are many promises made by congress government in their election manifesto and this one is fulfilled. People are looking for more to complete soon.
The Old Pension scheme is also fulfilled by state government as from 1st April 2024 OPS is regulated for the state government retired people and government working people.
We have shared the detailed information here on HP women Rs.1500 scheme and how you can apply for this scheme. The offline application form fill up process is also shared for the sukh samman nidhi yojana.
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