KMC vaccination booking for the 1st dose of COVID-19 in Kolkata has started and now people can do the booking online. For that, they have to do the registration online and then visit the hospital for the vaccination.
The 1st dose is very important for everyone as we all know the covid situation is at its peak and everyone wants to be safe so vaccination is a must required thing these days.
A lot of people are trying to book a slot for the vaccination and many of them left empty-handed without booking any slots. Now the KMC has started the vaccination process so people can get done vaccine at any time.
Kolkata Municipal Corporation Covid Vaccination Slot Booking
The KMC 1st dose slot booking process is started again and now people can do the booking and can have the vaccination done at the KMC. As we all know covid situation is at its peak and lakhs of people are dying just due to lack of vaccination.
Now all the state governments were given the vaccination and the slot booking and vaccination process is started for everyone in the age group of 18years to 45 years.
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Vaccination is being organized at KMC Hospitals at Ambedkar Circle and in Attavar, the hospital’s Marena Sports Complex in Attavar, and at the Durga Sanjeevani Manipal Hospital in Kateel.
People who are going to have their first dose, must have to book their slots through Co-WIN or Arogya Setu app.
To booking you have to follow the given steps:
At first, visit the Aryogya Setu App and then click on the vaccination option.
Here you will be asked the mobile number and then you have to enter the OTP. Then you can look for your slot details and click on the appointment schedule button.
Find your desired hospital or centre where you want to have vaccination done and then click on the submit button.
KMC Vaccination Online Registration
- To book at the Kolkata municipal corporation you have to visit the Official Website i.e
- Here you will see a link stating Register/ Sign In yourself. Click on it and you will be asked your mobile number.
- After that, you will receive an OTP on the registered mobile number and then you will be logged in to the Cowin portal website.
- Now enter your details like your aadhar number, name, date of birth correctly. Then click on the submit button and your registration is done.
- Now search your desired by entering your pin code or district wise as shown below.
- You can easily check your nearest vaccination center and slots availability with this method.
- Once you find your slot then click on it and book the timing and your slot id booked.
- Now visit the vaccination center and get it done.
- Take your message of confirmation or the secret code you will get once slot booking is done with you to the hospital.
A special vaccination center is also built at the Marena Sports Complex which can accommodate around 2,000 people at once and get the vaccination done.
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Kokalat municipal corporation is asking people to get vaccinated as soon as possible as the virus spike is increasing. Once the vaccination is done then only there is a chance of people not having many covid symptoms and this will also lead to less death rate.
After vaccination people should also wear a mask and take all the necessary precautions. We have shared all the important information, if you have any questions please comment below.