AP YSR government has launched the Jagananna Palle Velugu Scheme in the Andhra Pradesh state. This scheme aims to install 4 Lakh extra LED Street lights in addition to existing 25 lakh street lights.
This decision was taken by Minister for Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Peddireddy Ramachandra Reddy to ensure more lights in the rural and urban areas wherein previous LED lights are not installed.
Jagananna Palle Velugu Scheme 2020
Andhra Pradesh state government has earlier launched this scheme to install street lights in urban and rural areas of the state. A total of 25 lakh street lights have been installed until now.
But the government has realized that there are more places where lights are required to provide the lights this scheme is started again. In this phase total, 4 lakh street lights will be placed in urban and rural areas of the Andhra Pradesh state.
There is a total of 2,000 places across the state where these lights are required. These selected areas do not have street lights. Till now they are not yet covered in any present project. The goals of environmental protection, reduction of dark spots in AP state.
This scheme will also ensure women’s safety. The AP YSR cabinet committee has also decided to put up a new Complaint Monitoring System.
Read Also: AP Jagananna Chedodu Scheme
Key features of Jagananna Palle Velugu Scheme
Scheme | YSR Jagananna Palle Velugu |
Launched In | Andhra Pradesh |
Aim | To install 4 Lakh Street lights |
Beneficiaries | Urban And Rural Areas |
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Benefits of YSR Jagananna Palle Velugu Scheme
- Now the areas which do not have lights will get the LED street lights.
- This will also help to ensure women’s safety in rural and urban areas.
- LED lights will consume less electricity.
- These street lights will be environmentally friendly.
- This will also reduce maintenance costs.
Jagananna Palle Velugu Village Volunteers Scheme
AP YSR LED Street Light Scheme or a new modified Complaint Management System will ensure security and safety in remote areas. The LED Street Lights CMS will involve village secretaries to address complaints on nonworking street lights. Around 7,000 energy assistants will be deputed to address such complaints.
For this scheme successful installation, approximately 2.7 lakh village volunteers will also be utilized in identifying and reporting on defected street lights. These village volunteer recruitment or appointment details are not yet cleared.
The Andhra Pradesh government aims to provide lights in every corner of the state.
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