PM Narendra Modi has launched the PM Swamitva Yojana 2020. Under this Sampatti Property Card Scheme, the physical distribution of land Property Cards will be done online or by downloading cards.
PM Modi Property Card Scheme will provide clarity of property rights in villages and will make farmers allow them to take loans on that property.
As per the government, two 3rd of India’s population lives in the rural areas and they have proper land records or details, this causes land issues between them.
So to overcome this central government will make all the property land records in card formats and will distribute them to the people who are the actual owner of the property.
PM Swamitva Yojana Kya Hai?
प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने में स्वामित्व योजना के तहत ग्रामीण इलाकों में जमीनों से जुड़े बहुत बड़े विवाद को खत्म करने की शुरुआत की है। स्वामित्व योजना के तहत ग्रामीण इलाकों में सभी की प्रॉपर्टी के कार्ड्स बनेंगे और यह कार्ड्स लोगों में बांटे जाएंगे। प्रॉपर्टी कार्ड में हर परिवार की जमीन और प्रॉपर्टी के लेखा जोखा होगा।
स्वामित्व योजना से आवासीय जमीन के प्रॉपर्टी कार्ड बनेंगे। अधिकांश गांव में घरों का मालिकाना हक के कागज नहीं होते हैं, इस योजना के तहत सभी को मालिकाना हक के कार्ड मिलेंगे।
भविष्य में प्रॉपर्टी कार्ड के इस्तेमाल से बैंक से कर्ज या लोन भी लिया जा सकेगा। प्रॉपर्टी कार्ड प्राप्त होने के बाद सभी लोग बैंक से लोन लेने के लिए भी पात्र होंगे।
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PM Property Card Scheme 2020-21
Pradhanmantri Swamitva Scheme 2020 is beneficial for people who are living in rural areas, as we all know there is a lack of documentation of property regarding documents. And this cause tussle in between people in the rural areas. Till now there is no such facility available for the people from where they can have the authentic land property records details.
SVAMITVA: Survey of Villages and Mapping with Improvised Technology in Village Areas
So to overcome this problem government of India has launched this Swamitva Scheme. Now the government will make official sampatti property cards online and then will distribute them to the people. The department will take surveys of properties by drones and will make an updated property card.
The government plans to use drone technology to map land properties in rural areas. This will cover approx. 6,20,000 villages over the next four years.
Key Highlights of PM Sampatti Card Scheme
Scheme Name | Swamitva Property Card Scheme 2020-21 |
Launched By | Prime Minister Narendra Modi |
Launched for | Rural Living People |
Beneficiaries | People in villages who do not have property records. |
Benefit | Property Cards will be distributed |
Official Website | No Portal Yet |
Department | Ministry of Panchayati Raj |
For more details visit | |
An initial batch of a total of one lakh people from over 750 villages across six states will begin to receive the digitized property cards online this month. Each property card will have a unique number so that there will be no issue of any error.
Pradhan Mantri Svamitva Yojana Benefits
Property Card Scheme benefits are given below:
- The government will make property cards of unknown residential properties for people in living rural areas.
- Now people after getting property cards can apply for loans from the banks and can get easy loans.
- Maximum people living in rural areas do not have residential ownership documents, with this they can easily have the ownership of property.
- The state government will make these property cards and will distribute them to the people.
- All issues regarding properties will get finished after the allotment of real property holder cards through this scheme.
- The scheme beneficiaries are from 763 villages in the country. These are covered in six states, which includes 346 villages from Uttar Pradesh (UP), 221 villages from Haryana, 100 villages from Maharashtra, 44 villages from Madhya Pradesh (MP), 50 villages from Uttarakhand, and 2 villages from Karnataka.
PM Swamitva Yojana Online Registration
Many people are looking for the online registration process to get registered in PM Swamitva Scheme. As per Officials till now there is no such requirement to apply online for this Swamitva Yojana, as the department will do all the work and then they will create the property card.
But soon more details can be found on the Official Web Portal of Panchayati Raj Portal i.e There is no such Swamitva Yojana Official Portal launched by the government.
PM Modi Swamitva Property Card Scheme
This property card yojana will hold all the land records and property records and then after analyzing government officials will make the property card and will distribute to the owner.
This property ownership right plays an important role for a person to get a loan from the bank.
Now people, who own property but do not have any property ownership document will be given a property card under this scheme.
How will this Sampatti Property Card Ownership Scheme work?
Under the Swamitva scheme in villages, residential property will be measured with the help of drones and then the drone will create a digital map of all the properties.
This will include how much area does a home has and this will give the accurate details of the property. The state government will make property cards for each house in the villages.
Then the property cards will be distributed by the government officials.
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Property Card Download Online in PDF
As per the Officials, for now, the property cards can be downloaded through the SMS link sent to your mobile phone. If you do not have any link then the state government department will do the physical distribution process.
We have shared the Sampatti Card Sample i.e Property Card in PDF sample. Very Soon Sampatti card download online option will there from the state revenue departments from where you can download your cards.
Till now no such portal is shared by the government. The Official Website Portal is not available yet but as soon as we get the information we will update it here.
State Wise Sampatti Card Download List Portal
- Andhra Pradesh
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Bihar
- Chhattisgarh
- Delhi
- Gujarat
- Goa
- Karnataka
- Haryana
- Himachal Pradesh
- Jammu & Kashmir
- Jharkhand
- Kerala
- Lakshadweep
- Maharashtra
- Madhya Pradesh
- Manipur
- Mizoram
- Nagaland
- Odisha
- Punjab
- Rajasthan
- Sikkim
- Tamil Nadu
- Telangana
- Uttar Pradesh
- Uttarakhand
- West Bengal